A great all weather striker, working well wet or dry. The synthetic striker material will resist any water or moisture in the environment. This striker really brings out the nasty old hen in every call.
These are truly custom calls and each one is hand made by David.
Due to extremely high demand for deadly turkey calls, delivery times will vary by product. If you are concerned about the delivery timeline please be sure to reach out to us.
A great all weather striker, working well wet or dry. The synthetic striker material will resist any water or moisture in the environment. This striker really brings out the nasty old hen in every call.
Awesome every vest needs one
If you run pot calls this is a must have! Received mine and tested it under running water and it worked great! Not only on slate but also on my crystal and aluminum calls. This is a game changer!
Bought this for those damp mornings. Haven’t had a chance to really run it yet but it sounded decent. I’ll have to practice more but it’s nice to have as a backup. Seems well made. Thanks.
This striker performed beautifully. I wet my glass call and it sounded brilliant. I would recommend this striker to any turkey hunter.
I ordered two as a trial run. I’m not the best turkey caller so my crutch is pot calls. You get into dew and rain and I’m trash. I ran this striker over all my pot calls. Aluminum, glass, and slate soaking wet. Still worked I’m such a believe I ordered 4 more to give to family and friends. Never leave for the turkey woods without this striker in your vest.
Used the striker on an aluminum pot under a running faucet and the call sounded perfect! Glad I ordered 2!
I bought this specifically for damp days but as a bonus, it sounds great on my Halloran pot call mine was green, was hoping for the black and red tip to be able to tell during low lite but maybe they ran out. Still really like it tho.
Works great! Definitely recommend any Halloran product!!!
A great striker
Wish I would have found this year's ago. High quality product. Watch out limb hangers! Coming for you no longer weather dependent!